eport FAQ
We will answer your most frequently asked questions about our platform eport here
In the following video you will get an brief overview about our platform eport and how you can receive your online - profile.
Here we will answer the most asked questions about our eport system.
How do you basically get a persolog Online Profile?
  • The platform persolog-eport.com offers you all persolog online profiles. Only certified trainers can order there.
  • There your online profile is ordered directly by your trainer or consultant. You will receive the questionnaire by e-mail, which you can fill out without registering. In this step you can also see who will later receive your result by e-mail. This can be your trainer, for example. Or it goes directly to you. Or to both of you. This decision is made by your trainer.
  • The people who should receive the result will receive an e-mail with a link a few minutes after you have completed the questionnaire. This link will take you directly to our download portal. Here you have to register once to get your online profile. If you are a trainer, log in with your known access data.
  • When you are logged in you can download the PDF by clicking on it. If you have an HTML profile, you will also find the direct link.
  • If you have problems in this process, please have a look at the cases below.
You can't get to your online profile?
It is important to note: You must register once with eport in order to access your online report in our download portal. It works like this:
  1. you will receive an e-mail from our eport system with a link "To online profile". Click on this link. If you have not received an e-mail, please contact your responsible consultant.
  2. if you click on the link, you will be taken to our download portal. Here you will find a little further down the page the blue button "Register". Click the blue button.
  3. now follow the instructions. For example, we need your email address for registration, which you also need to confirm once so that no one else can create an account for you. At the end, you will click a link in an email to confirm that you actually want to register. Once you have clicked that, you are registered.
  4. attention. Now go back to your first email where you received the link to the online profile. Click that link, log in with the data you just created, and you're at your online profile.
By the way: You only have to register with persolog once. Afterwards, you can download all profiles that you fill out once with these registration data.
Why do you get your online profile only after the registration process? We protect your personal data and want to make sure that nobody gets it.
My participant or I did not receive a report.
Did you receive an email from eport with a link to our download portal (Go to online profile)?
If so:
  • Click on the link and log in with your eport credentials. You will need your email address and password to do this. If this process does not work please look at the next two points.
If no:
  • Have you checked your SPAM folder?
  • Have you securely completed your order process in eport?
Can't get into your eport account since December 2020?
We made an update to eport in December 2020. If you have not been in your account since then, please follow these steps:
  1. go to persolog-eport.com and click on "Login" in the upper right corner.
  2. then go directly to "Forgot password". A field will then appear.
  3. now please enter your e-mail address that is stored at eport and request a new password. If you don't know which email address you have on file, you can either try all your email addresses or write to mail@persolog.com with the subject "Eport account". Briefly describe your problem. Be sure to include your trainer number.
  4. you will receive an e-mail with which you can assign a new password. Please choose a password of at least 12 characters with lower case letters, upper case letters, special characters and number.
  5. go back to persolog-eport.com. Click "Sign In" and log in now using this email address and your new password.
You only need to go through this process once. In the future, you can log in directly to eport with your new credentials. You will no longer need your trainer number to log in in the future.
I click on "Forgot password" and I don't get an email. What can I do?
Please proceed as follows:
  • Are you sure you have selected the correct email address? Maybe you have a different one after all? Please check this by entering the other e-mail address, for example.
  • Are you registered as a trainer at eport at all? If not, please click on register at persolog-eport.com and then on "Register" at the bottom.
  • You still don't get any further? Then please write an e-mail to mail@persolog.com with the subject "Eport account". Briefly describe your problem. Be sure to include your trainer number.
How can I order profiles online?
You can only order online profiles on our platform if you have a trainer number. You will receive this number after your successful certification at persolog. If you no longer have access, please register. Click on register at persolog-eport.com and then on "Register" below. Afterwards write us an e-mail to mail@persolog.com with the subject "Eport account". Briefly describe your problem. Be sure to include your trainer number.
Or call your country partner:
Tel. Germany and Austria: +49 (0) 7232-3699-0;
Tel. Switzerland +41 (0)33 334 20 34
Who can help me if something else doesn't work?
We are happy to help you during the week:
Germany and Austria from 08.00 - 17.00;
Switzerland from 09.00 - 12.00 and 13:30 - 16.00.
Outside business hours, you can contact us in Germany by e-mail, we will try to answer as soon as possible:
Technical Questions/Login:
Tel. Germany and Austria: +49 (0) 7232-3699-70;
Tel. Switzerland +41 (0)33 334 20 34, Germany: mail@persolog.com
Content questions:
Germany and Austria: +49 (0) 7232-3699-80;
Switzerland +41 (0)33 334 20 34, Germany: sales@persolog.com
I have forgotten my password or entered it incorrectly several times. What can I do?
Have a new password sent to you via the "Forgotten password" field on www.persolog-eport.com. For further questions please contact us by phone
Tel. Germany and Austria: +49 (0) 7232-3699-70;
Tel. Switzerland +41 (0)33 334 20 34
Germany: mail@persolog.com
Is there a charge for using eport?
The use of the platform is free of charge. However, if you order questionnaires with evaluation reports via eport, costs will be incurred, similar to those for print products. These are calculated in "credits", an online currency. To find out how to get credits, see "How does payment work in eport?".
What does it cost to order online questionnaires and reports?
In the online system eport you freely choose which questionnaire you would like to order for yourself or for your customers. The costs will be shown to you at the time of the respective order. Billing is done via credits. The costs of the reports are roughly based on the prices for the print profiles. The online profiles are sometimes more comprehensive than their paper equivalent or are not available as a paper version.
How does payment work in eport?
To be able to order in eport, you first have to fill up your account with credits. To do this, simply click on "Order credits" in eport. The credits will be credited to your account immediately, and you will receive an invoice from us. Depending on which reports you order, the credits will then be deducted from your account again.
Do credits expire at some point?
No, credits do not expire.